Fermenter Starter Kit
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Our most complete kit to get you started fermenting your very own wine, beer, liquors and whatever you can think up! This fermenter starter kit gives you everything you need to start fermenting and filtering crisp, clean, pure neutral spirits.
Fermenter Starter Kit Features:
- Standard Filter Unit - made from chemical-tolerant, ABS plastic with chemical-tolerant, food-grade sealant. It comes with an RF clamp, funnel holder, and a starter pack of filter papers.
- Large-capacity Funnel, 220mm in diameter and made of chemical-tolerant plastic
- Premium Grade Activated Stone Carbon (0.4 - 0.85 mm)
- 32L (6.5 US gallons) fermenting bucket made from food-grade, chemical-resistant PP plastic
- Stick-on Thermometer
- 3-piece airlock
- Equipment Cleaner - an Alkaline, non-toxic cleaner made specifically for cleaning stainless steel, soft metals, and plastics
- Equipment Rinse - a non-chorinated final rinse safe for use on stainless steel, soft metals, and plastics
- Sparkolloid Clearing Agent - a proprietary blend of polysaccharides in a diatomacious earth carrier specially formulated for superior clarification
- Dual-scale Premium Laboratory-grade Hydrometer with both Specific Gravity Scale and Potential Alcohol Scale, 0.980 to 1.170 Specific Gravity reading
- Premium Alcoholmeter for reading alcohol content in distilled spirits, 0% - 100% abv / 0 - 200 proof reading
- Glass Testing Cylinder
- 18" plastic mixing spoon with extra long handle
- Stainless Steel Siphon w/Clear PVC Tubing for use with lower proof product (20% abv and lower)